There are numerous online commercial trading events organized in the worldwide Practice Enterprise Network each year. These events include Intensive Trading Events and Practice Enterprise Trade Fairs 🡪 see the Agenda of Commercial Trading Events.
Commercial trading events provide an opportunity for trainees to exhibit and market the products and services of their Practice Enterprise in a competitive marketplace to local and international colleagues as well as to put the marketing, communications, negotiations, and global business skills they have learned to the test.
In online commercial trading events, PEs communicate through different video conferencing platforms. The choice of videoconferencing tools is up to each Practice Enterprise.
Online commercial trading events mirror the real business world, and the reality is that many different video conference platforms are available for business communications.
In this assignment, trainees work in three different phases:
Based on experience, most used video conference platforms in a PE network are Zoom, MS Teams and Google Meet. However, PE trainer should provide trainees with information on other available choices of videoconference platforms in a PE.
In the first phase, before trainees start testing and practicing video conference platforms between groups, they should read ‘’getting started guides’’ or watch tutorials and learn more about different features. There are numerous materials online on YouTube or Teams, Slack, Zoom, Meet.
In addition, trainees should not only know a technical part of using a platform. The social part is even more important. Trainees must know etiquette for remote participation in live online events.
In the second phase, trainees work with peers and put their theoretical knowledge they have learned during the first phase to the test. During the second phase, trainees should be given checklists where they record their achievements and mistakes.
In the third phase, trainees work in groups where they evaluate the performance of another group. During the third phase, trainees should be given a practical task as if they would be attending an online commercial trading event
Through this WebQuest, trainees learn how to use different video conferencing tools and their features while practicing this task with their peers.
There are numerous reasons to set up an online meeting with another PE. Some examples:
It is important that such an online meeting with a PE can be conducted in a highly professional manner.
During this WebQuest, you will therefore learn the most fundamental tips and tricks.
The organising trainer gives a general explanation to all trainees: welcome, clarify to do’s and opens the networking event.
Trainees are directed to the various breakout rooms to their relevant colleagues from the other PE.
Items to be discussed are:
Before the meeting
During the meeting
After the meeting
Through this WebQuest, trainees will learn how to set up a meeting/networking event between two PEs with advanced features of video conferencing tools.