The framework will provide information on how the model can be applied, where it is of particular advantage – in comparison with activities to the standard Practice Enterprise model. It will also include the explanation of how it can be included in curricula and other VET pedagogical activities and the design of the learning environment (home office style, alternating between learning at home and at an institution, etc.).
The goal is to make the DIGIPRAC Resource Guide available online and produce an interactive, user-friendly, intuitive guide to facilitate and simplify the upscaling and implementation of the DIGIPRAC model, supporting target group in the design and development of own WebQuest-based activities on the some PE activities areas, thus further improving their pedagogical approaches related to digital challenge-based learning.
The main aim is to make VET practice enterprises more globally oriented and internationally connected. Digital PE integrates policies, programs, initiatives and a variety of distance learning approaches for increasing PE learners capacities to work in a international environment, offers all learners global perspectives within their programme of learning, whether or not they spend time abroad. The toolkit will include learning outcomes and advises for international cooparation. It will also provide information for virtual PE mobility rganizations, as well as, the steps to participate in international events.
This output is based on the “learning by mistakes” practices in the PE method. taking the best elements of existing tools and methods to implement them in digital PE, as Trial and error, also known as experimentation, is the basis for all discovery and learning. Also strategies for Effective E-Learning Relationships helping to learn from mistakes.
The DIGIPRAC Consortium is lead by Vilniaus Kolegija (Lithuania) and has partnered with PEN Worldwide – Worldwide Practice Enterprise Network, Bfz-Essen GmbH (Germany), Fundació Inform (Spain), International Business College IBC (Denmark) and Athenum Ninove (Belgium) to transform current Practice Enterprise (PE) learning methods into a digital model and to add digital competences to the learning outcomes, competences and skills that are regularly trained in the standard Practice Enterprise model.
Vilniaus kolegija /Higher Education Insitute is open to novelties. It is a flexible and continually changing higher educational institution that is harmoniously combining labour market needs with the development of promising areas of science and art.
The educational institution has been encouraging the teachers and students’ creativity and responsibility likewise the requirements for a high quality performance. Vilniaus kolegija /Higher Education Insitute has gained its international recognition and is successfully integrating into the common field of European higher education.
PEN Worldwide (PEN) is a non-profit association providing coordination of and support to the international Practice Enterprise networks. The European network consists of 17 legally autonomous national Practice Enterprise Central Offices that together include close to 5,000 Practice Enterprises training upwards of 120,000 VET students every year.
With an emphasis on career readiness, Practice Enterprises offer a live European and worldwide business simulation that provides trainees with a competitive edge through project-based learning and the development of skills in entrepreneurship and international business.
Fundació Inform is a foundation aimed at managing, coordinating and implementing different educational programmes and projects in the educational system in Spain. These programme and projects are implemented specifically in the formal and informal educational system in Spain and in continuous training.
Since 1987 Fundació Inform manages the SEFED Programme (Practice Enterprises) in Spain which is used to train people in business a administration and management. The transnationality of the SEFED Programme has always been a key point in Fundació Inform strategical business plan and this is why Inform participates in European programmes since more than 30 years, so as to try to adapt training to work.
Bfz-Essen is a modern training provider and has opened up new career prospects for more than 50,000 people. The Central Office of the German Practice Enterprise Network (ZÜF) is part of the Bfz-Essen GmbH. For nearly 45 years, the ZÜF coordinated a network of about 500 practice enterprises (PE). The PEs are run by VET-institutions, schools, company’s ZÜF provides a variety of services that are available to the PEs e.g. IT Services, consulting, further training. We are continually developing our services and addressing current topics such as inclusion, digitalisation, e.g. web-based PEs, digitalisation of processes, implementation of sustainable approaches. With best practice, tools or workshops, we support our PEs to implement new concepts.
International Business College (IBC) is among Denmark’s top 5 VET providers, offering education in mercantile fields. With 3 locations, IBC educates 15.000 students annually and has 500 employees. SIMU Learning, a separate department, develops and provides educational and online business simulation systems to all VET schools nationwide. These systems enable students to bridge theory with practical business scenarios, fostering a hands-on understanding of curriculum theories. SIMU Learning collaborates with all VET schools, holding a central role in mercantile VET education. Their practice-oriented systems, developed over 25 years, are utilized by mercantile Practical Training Centers, engaging over 500 daily users and 50 trainers associated with SIMU Learnings core business. SIMU Learning is the Danish national Central Office of Practice Enterprises.
GO! Atheneum Ninove is a public school of the Flemish Community with 148 employees and 854 pupils. The aim is to give young adults sufficient insight into their talents so that they can shape their knowledge and skills with pride in a rapidly changing world. The school has a multitude of finalities and fields of study. We also offer integrated education. Diversity is one of the strengths and different cultures are valued. From our final year office management (EQF level 4), we participate in the Digiprac project, where trainees work in a virtual environment, which requires the use of technology and digital tools. Improving technological skills is essential in modern society. We want to prepare our trainees for the challenges of the real business world.